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Jumat, 08 Februari 2008

[plaza-lowongan] Urgently required : executive secretary

Our client is recently seeking for suitable candidate to fill in a vacant position as Executive Secretary.


v Female
v Single
v Well-groomed
v Familiar in English
v Good attitude
v Good personality
v Able to workhard under pressure
v Dicipline and highly motivation
v Familiar with microsoft office

Should you meet the above requirements, please submit your detailed CV, expected salary, current photograph quoting the code of "Executive Secretary" on your email subject to: , , or

Plaza-Lowongan, khusus untuk iklan lowongan kerja.
Sebutkan dengan jelas perusahaan anda, kwalifikasi
dan benefit yang anda tawarkan.

Untuk iklan selain lowongan kerja, silahkan ke:
Laris manis tanpa daftar bisa pasang iklan.
Iklan 100 Level Yang Dapat Nempel terbawa terus
dan banyak lagi, temukan di website di atas.

Best regards
Plaza-Lowongan Moderator

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